How Get Rid Of Old Scars Naturally and Get Healthy

 Get Rid Of Scars Naturally and Get Healthy

What Are Scars?

The scar is the product of repair the body has had an injury and it tries to repair it but the result looks different it feels different and it has different signal properties and that's what we're concerned with so when you grew the body the first time then everything was moving you had tension you had fluid motion and all the fibers aligned in an orderly fashion when you have a cut and the body repairs of the scar then the fiber orientation is much more random and that's why the tissue looks different but again it signals differently.

How Scars Can Interfere With Our Health?


A lot of people are concerned with scars because of their appearance but what's much more important is how scars can interfere with your health stay tuned and I'll explain. 

Have scars and sometimes they can be annoying we can be concerned with how they look especially if they're in a prominent location but very few people know how they can affect health how they can interfere with healing and the effects can be anywhere from negligible to absolutely devastating in our office. 

We check for scars one of the first things that we do and if we find them we show people how they can treat the scars and in a lot of cases that can be the key factor to allow the body to proceed to healing.

Why Are The Scars?

The scars are concerned with two things.

. Regulation

. Stress

  •  Regulation:

 The first is it interferes with regulation what is regulation everything in your body from the blood the pressure to hormone levels to digestion to posture to muscle tone to thoughts to attitudes to focus everything in your body is the result of the brain turning things on and off. 

So the brain receives somewhere in the order of a billion bits of information every second and every one of those bits is responded to the brain responds by turning something on or turning something off the sum total of all that turning on and off is called regulation. 

The better it works the healthier you are the more of it that gets a little out of balance the more problems we start having so regulation is huge and scars can interfere with the regulation.

  • Stress

The second thing is scars actually caused stress and why is that well have you ever noticed if you remember how you are sort of just sitting around not thinking much and all of a sudden somebody touched you may be just a hair and you jumped and your pupils dilated your hair stood on end your heart raced you got the shivers that were an a stress response also called a startle response and that's part of the fight flight reaction. 

That's there to save your life well the reason your skin is so sensitive and those hairs are so sensitive is that's your first line of defense for your body to survive, you have to be ultra-sensitive in the skin and anything in the skin that's touched has the ability to trigger that fight-flight response so a scar that can interfere with that signal can also create a fight flight response even if you don't get the startle effect. That you notice even a little bit matters because it ramps up that fight-flight or that sympathetic response just a little bit and over time that can be significant.

  • Accupuncher

One of the oldest healing arts in the world is acupuncture it's been around for thousands and thousands of years so they must be doing something right and I'm not claiming to be an expert on acupuncture but I do know a few things and that is that acupuncture is based on a Meridian system Marillion is a channel of information there's something that they refer to as chi or energy that flows in these channels and these channels run in the skin so if there's a scar that intercepts one of these channels one of these meridians. 

Then that information is going to come up to the scar and it's going to either stop or get randomly scattered and dispersed and why can that be devastating well think about in acupuncture they put a needle someplace in acupuncture the point may be in the head or in the hand and somehow that needle affects the liver or the kidney swell that's because there is some flow of information between that point and the organ that they're trying to influence so in other words putting a needle somewhere changes the way the body processes. 

Information and that part of this overall regulation so again if a scar interferes with that now regulation is not working as smoothly and as fine-tuned as it's supposed to as the body and nature intended.

  •  Leftover Birth Scars 

One of the most common things that we see in the office is women who have anxiety and depression after childbirth everyone heard of postpartum depression and we find that there is a scar involved not the sole cause necessarily but there is a scar involved in most of those cases if you notice on this close-up of the Meridian systems how many of these meridians run in the midline and if you think about how many women deliver with a c-section today I don't know the exact number but it's somewhere around 50% I believe and if you imagine how many of these meridians could be intercepted by a c-section scar anywhere from five to seven meridians and the midline meridians have this influence on the nervous system.  

Most Common Scars

here's a list of some of the most common scars 
  • Surgeries
  • Cut that broke the skin
  • Belly button
  • Stretch mark
  • Burns
  • Pulled teeth
  • Tonsils
  • Piercings
  • Tattoos

That we run into of course surgeries being the most devastating because they are large and deep and-section is one of the most profound of those but any cut that whether you had stitches or not that healed with a mark is usually an active scar meaning it interferes with something.

Another interesting one is the belly button that's the first score that we get and there is an e remarkable number of people who actually test as having a belly button as an active scar meaning it interferes in some way then there are all sorts of piercings and tattoos and pulled teeth all of these can create interference of course people are concerned with the appearance and that is another aspect of it so people wonder will they go away and I don't know that they will completely and totally disappear even though that has been known to happen.

How Scars Go Away?

They will typically reduce in appearance a lot of times 50% or more they get thinner and more faint but again we want to keep in mind that the key is to reduce the interference with a signal did the detrimental effect that they can have on your health so if scars are so devastating why doesn't everyone notice these effects was for the same reason that not everyone gets a cold or the flu every time it comes around the body to have different amounts of resources some people have a lot of resources a lot of vitality a lot of energy strong immune systems strong brains to compensate and adapt and overcome so someone who has a lot of reserve capacity will probably never notice a scar even though it stresses them a little bit that little stress is no big deal because they can adapt someone else who has a much lesser reserve it doesn't take a whole lot set off that whole process.

Side Effects Of Antibacterial Ointment:

  • Medication Creams
  • Antibiotics
  • Beneficial culture on skin

 Before we wrap up and talk about what to do let's also mention what not to do a lot of people go to the drugstore and they buy the medical appointments the antibiotics the cortisone creams the antibiotic creams and that's really not a good idea if you have a severe local infection that's where those creams might come in handy but these things are antibiotics they interfere antibiotic means against life it's going to kill something and on your skin, you have a bacterial flora that flora goes from the outside of your skin all the way inside into your gut where 85% of your immune system lives and part of your immune system and your health lives on your skin as well so you want to cooperate with that biological culture that you have you don't want to interfere with it so stay away from those creams unless you have something of a more urgent medical nature.

The Treatment Of scars:

  • Wheat germ oil(capsule)-

  • Sesame oil(capsule)-

  • Biocatalin-

  • Renovator-

  • Skin colonizer-

  • Aloe vera-

  • Cold laser-

The treatment of scars are really pretty simple and the things that reduce their appearance is the same thing that will improve the signal properties so you can't really go wrong there here is a list of some of the things that we use in our office we have found them to be very effective they're good quality these are typically only sold by professionals but if you look around in your community then most chiropractors will have a lot of these brands you can call us if you'd like more information about it you can also go online and look there are lots of videos about essential oils and this oil and that oil and they typically work really really well so that's not the key thing for most people another thing you can add is cold laser and cold laser works great oils work great and the combination works even better and there's a combination of the rubbing which activates receptors and the light and the nutrients in the oil so all put together then the combination works really well so let me show you how easy it can be to do one of the applications I'm gonna show you the little pearl of standard process wheat germ oil and you take a push pin or a safety pin you just poke it into the side and you make a hole and then you get a drop out you put it on the skin and just rub it in so you don't need a whole lot of oil you want to use it kind of like a lotion to where you can rub it into the skin and it doesn't get all greasy with a lot of residues so then you can add some laser to it and that about it.

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