The REAL Problem Behind Health Problems Today

The REAL Problem Behind Health Problems Today

Why are Food Allergies, Food Intolerances, and Celiac Disease, suddenly so common?

Everyone appears to be "gluten-free" or "lactose intolerant". Now not to mention only children in need to avoid specific foods. Children, teens, and adults are all coming to terms with these health problems that come out of nowhere and prevent them from eating the foods they used to enjoy, and half the time it makes no sense. It is not uncommon to see allergens at the grocery store, or food items that specify "gluten-free". It is also now a legal matter that all companies should specify when their products contain any major allergens, bolded at the bottom of the ingredients list. I know this was noticed before, and if you need to avoid certain foods, I know that reading these labels is something you do many times a day. I went there, but when I used to be allergic to foods, companies didn't need to specify the general allergens on their labels, so I had to read through the entire ingredients list, but it was becoming an issue.

Why has avoiding specific foods become such a common practice? Is it due to hormones or genetically altered food that we eat? Or pesticides and toxins included with the package? Is it because the foods introduced are highly processed and chemically washed? Are these toxic substances directly involved in our bloodstream vaccines? Or is it because our body only means to eat the food available on this earth? There are many theories and questions related to this topic, and many times medical experts even consider knowing the right answer to this issue, but I do, so I should explain it this way.

Why are there so many health problems in today’s world?

Our bodies were built to be strong. They know how to fix themselves when they need it. Our bodies have an immune system that is so complex and hard-working, it’s beautiful. The human body is something that we’re barely coming to understand in medical science, but we’re not even close when it comes to understanding its capacity and ability.

That being said, when our bodies are forced to work on overdrive for months or years at a time, they wear down. No matter how strong your body is, it can’t run thousands of miles at a time. It just can’t. But such a huge amount of the population are making their bodies overwork over and over again, and they don’t even realize it.

The foods we eat are the biggest factor in determining our health, or more rather, the toxins and chemicals we consume along with our food are the biggest factors in our health. Almost everything you can buy contains chemicals, toxins, or artificial hormones, and those are obviously not something our body likes to process, but it does, every day.

The foods we eat are also processed to the point that often times, all of the nutrients have been taken out. You want to know why people are gluten-intolerant? It’s because white flour has had all of its nutrients sapped out, and all that is left is the sugary/carbohydrate part of the wheat. You can’t tell me that white flour is good for you. It’s not. But everyone eats it anyway because it “tastes better.” Along with sugar, which is in fact, a toxin, the combination is fatal, but that’s another post for another day.

 The root of the REAL problem

The problem comes when we are consuming too much processed toxin-rich food, as well as medicines, including vaccines (these mess with chemicals, poisons, hormones, and the body's natural balance), antibiotics (which directly affect the balance of digestion) system), and other chemicals. Food does not need to provide that nutrient or strength to our body, because all the nutrients have been processed, and the toxins are making it harder than our body needs to function. The combination of not needing energy from food and working on overdrive to get rid of toxins leaves the body fatigued and fatigued.

Your body can only do this for so long before it literally starts to wear down. To rebuild its strength with lots of toxins and nutritional deficiencies in your body, your digestive system first breaks down. It becomes semi-permeable, meaning it is not able to rebuild itself (usually because the body has been focused on attacking and purifying toxins), so the walls of your digestive tract Small holes are formed. These small holes allow toxins and food particles to pass into your bloodstream, where your body creates an immune response and attacks the toxins. When food passes into your bloodstream, your body automatically considers that food a toxin and produces antibodies to attack it. This is why so many people usually get sick from eating the foods they eat or have food allergies/intolerance because the food we eat attacks the body's immune system. This whole process is called intestinal permeability, or leaky gut syndrome, and is a major problem.

Not only is your body working on overdrive, now all the toxins that are causing your problem are ruling free throughout your bloodstream. Since your body was already exhausting its efforts in trying to cleanse the toxins from its digestive system (which was apparently not succeeding) and now it was able to cleanse these toxins from your bloodstream. Working even harder for (perhaps this is why you are always fatigued), toxins that are not purified are capable of soaking in any organ, bone, or bodily function. And since your body has been able to successfully cleanse all of the toxins in your system without any consequences (obviously), the toxins soaked in your organs will likely be plentiful. This is why leek faction syndrome can cause almost any health problem.

Is it really that simple?

Wouldn't it make sense that more people would find out the cause of all these health problems? Well no, people (doctors) treat the symptoms, not the root of the problem. In fact, most of them may not even realize that there is a root of the problem, and it is the problem. People do not feel that what we consume every day has such a huge impact on our health and directly affects how we feel. As a society, we rely so much on medicine to make things work, to make things better, but isn't it true that the food we eat every day can do so much more? Our body was designed to survive with food, not with chemicals or chemical-rich drugs, and when we eat balanced food and nutritious, healthy food, our body swells.

Why, is it so hard to eat good food? Because it is easy to open the can and throw it in the microwave. Because food companies will add whatever hormones and chemicals they make to improve food and taste, regardless of the health effects. Because it is difficult to cook with real food. Because we are busy with other things to focus on eating right. Because we, as a society, have lost something valuable. Real food is the heart of our health, not medicine, and it is hard to get us back into that mindset, but we can do it.

What it takes to get better

First things first. Once you have a leaking faction, you need to find a way to get better. This is being done through eating the right foods that will give your body the strength and ingredients it needs to rebuild itself, as well as provide the right environment to heal. Essentially you need to give your body foods full of basic nutrients that will give your body the energy to work harder, and provide the building blocks to repair any damage. It will also help in rebuilding your digestive system. You should mostly avoid grains, sugar, dairy, and processed food. You will need to drink half your body weight in ounces of water every day. If you gauge 100 pounds, you drink 50 ounces of water each day. This will help flush out the toxins and keep you hydrated. Along with eating the right foods, you need to exercise, sleep well, and reduce stress. Sleeping at least eight hours per night is important, but going to bed at a good hour is also important.


The best sleep is between 10:30 am and 6:30 pm, and the most restful sleep is the first four hours, meaning that you should go to bed early and wake up early. It is also important to exercise, but it seems to me that many people feel they have to go running or lifting weights because "everyone else does it." All that really matters is something that you enjoy doing that does not stress you out but helps you move and work. 

As long as you do something it doesn't matter much what you do. I personally like to dance and will turn on music for my small dance party. I also enjoy doing yoga, and if you have never done yoga before. Finally, you need to reduce stress. This is done by combining meditation throughout the day and eliminating stressful things (under your control) from your life. It's easier than work, but stress makes the bodywork even more and you don't need it right now. Your focus should be on healing and getting better. It is important. 

To aid your body's natural healing process, it is necessary to take natural supplements (herbs and super-foods) that will help purify toxins and speed up your healing process. These include probiotics, cod liver OIl, digestive herbs, digestive enzymes, and L-Glutamine. Essentially, these form the way your body heals, helping to balance the natural functions of your body so that we can create the entire environment we talk about, and they make your body itself Also provide the necessary equipment for rebuilding. I recommend working with a holistic worker when you take supplements as your body may react poorly to these and may require expert advice.

 A Roundup

Between eating the right supplements, and a healthy lifestyle, you can completely overcome your health problems and return to your normal life. Hey, I never said it would be simple, but it is the best and easiest way to get your life back, and your health is worth it, especially if you can regain your normal self.

This includes eating foods that make you sick right now. You can feel better again and even if you don't have noticeable health issues, you can increase your energy, productivity, and longevity by eating right.




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