In this article, you will know the reason for vitamin D deficiency and what is its sign and symptoms of vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D deficiency is a hot topic in both traditional and alternative medicine.
Many health organizations have identified low levels of
vitamin D as a "health crisis emergency" and are urging that every
effort be made so that everyone can achieve optimal vitamin D status.
Vitamin D deficiency symptoms, article aims to educate you on the seriousness of not having enough vitamin D and teaches you how to check for symptoms of vitamin D deficiency.
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Vitamin D deficiency
What is a vitamin?
Vitamin is an organic compound that we need in very small quantities. So that the different types of systems of the particular organism of our body, they keep doing normal function.
We get the most of the vitamins from food items. Like humans we have to depend on other sources for vitamins, that is food. There are two obvious reasons.
We need vitamins because our body systems are functioning normally. The human body does not synthesize vitamins or produce vitamins only. So we have to depend on other sources for vitamins.
Different types of organisms in the human body require vitamins in different quantities. Here, let me give an example that the human body has to consume vitamin C or ascorbic acid.
On the other hand, the dog does not have to consume vitamin c because the dog's body can produce or synthesize vitamin c, which fulfills the need for vitamin c but the human body does not produce vitamin c, so it depends on other sources.
Types of vitamin
Different types of vitamins have different roles and their quantity is also different depending on the need of different organisms.
13 different types of vitamins are classified into two categories. Which is 1. Fat Soluble Vitamin, 2. Water-soluble vitamins.
1. Fat-Soluble Vitamin
Fat-soluble vitamins need fat to be absorbed, which is present in our body, so fat-soluble vitamins are absorbed in our body.
Vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, and vitamin K are placed in the fat-soluble vitamin K categories.
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2. Water-soluble vitamins.
Water-soluble vitamins are never stored in our body, they are out of the body through urine. vitamin C and all groups of the vitamin B complex are placed in water-soluble vitamin categories.
vitamin D
Let us know what is vitamin D? and what is vitamin D deficiency? and what is the cause of vitamin D deficiency?
What is vitamin D?
Many people are not yet aware of Vitamin D, why is it? Let us know from the past some history. When the post-industrial revolution took place in Europe in the late nineties, the doctors faced a new disease which was found especially inside children.
These are often found in large cities such as the big industrial city such as London and Warsaw. It was observed that children faced discomfort such as stunted growth, muscle wasting, deformed legs.
Such diseases were named rickets by physicians. But nobody could understand the reason for such a serious illness.
Then it was later seen and felt that the children who had to face such severe diseases were living inside the city in a crowded and narrow street like an area where more winter as well as due to coal and wood-burning the formation of the Polushan resulted in the sun's rays not reaching the ground surface. Vitamin D deficiency is often found due to this.
Particularly children were children especially affected as they were severely suffering from their developing bones as a result of vitamin D deficiency.
The disease spread as a shadow and rickets erupted in northeastern America as large industrial cities in this country. By 1900, approximately 80% of the children living in Boston suffered from rickets.
By the 1930s, rickets, and the lack of vitamin D, the link was well known. This noteworthy revelation prompted the stronghold of milk with nutrient D.
Countries that adopted milk fortifications with vitamin D. were like rickets. The disease started to end.
With the elimination of rickets, medical science mostly forgot about vitamin D until a few decades ago when it was discovered that vitamin D is not a vitamin, but a hormone.
What is this hormone?
Hormones are a substance that is produced in a part of the body and enter the bloodstream and increases their effects at sites distant from their original site of production.
For example, the thyroid hormone is produced in the thyroid gland and travels through the bloodstream, penetrating almost all parts of the heart, brain, muscle, and body, and increasing its function on the second organ.
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Vitamin D is a hormone:
It is produced in the skin with 7- dehydrocholesterol (pro-vitamin D3) which is produced from cholesterol.
It is also clear here that not all cholesterols are bad which people think of nowadays. The fact is that cholesterol is a precursor to most hormones in your body.
Type B ultraviolet rays from the sun work on pro-vitamin D3 and convert it to pre-vitamin D3, which later results in vitamin D3.
Vitamin D3 then leaves the skin and travels to the bloodstream where it is transported to a specific protein called vitamin D-binding protein (VDBP). Medically speaking, we call it cholecalciferol.
Sources of vitamin D
The main and major sources of vitamin D are the rays of the sun which we get from nature. It also depends on the place of living, the color of people, weather, and age.
Just as the farther north you are from the equator, the lower the intensity of the sun's rays on the earth. The same you will get less vitamin D in the winter season as compared to the summer season.
As your skin gets a pigment Is what we call melanin pigment. This shows the color of our skin, which will have more melanin pigment in its body, its color will be black and whose body will have less color, its color will be blonde.
Black people have less synthesis of vitamin D compared to white people. For example, an African American person may need 6-10 times more time in the sun than a white person to produce the same amount of vitamin D. Protective effects of melanin. Nature is one such equalizer.
Vitamin D is found in minimal amounts in foods because the diet is not the main source of vitamin D., But vitamin D is found in minimal amounts in some foods, such as oily fish such as salmon, mackerel, and bluefish.
When the fish is cooked, the amount of vitamin D present in it remains unchanged, but when the fish is fried, the amount of vitamin D decreases by 50%. Besides, farm-raised salmon contains about 25% more vitamin D than wild salmon.
Vegetables, meat, and egg yolk are present in small amounts of vitamin D. Natural milk does not contain vitamin D but in the United States and other countries, most milk is fortified with vitamin D.
Therefore milk contains a small amount of vitamin D. Vitamin D is also added in small amounts in dairy products like cheese. And some yogurt.
Most grains in the United States are also fortified with small amounts of vitamin D. Orange juice is also fortified with small amounts of vitamin D.
vitamin d deficiency causes
Let’s Know here some reasons behind the deficiency of vitamin D.
Having black skin
Let's take a historical look at Vitamin D. It seems that the people of Africa started their journey there where it was very sunny.
So many people cover very little of their body parts, if any, to avoid sunburn. With a slow migration northward over thousands of years, the skin is slowly shedding its natural sunscreen (melanin).
The ingredients were adapted to the colder northern climate, and as a result, the skin color became lighter.
People with light skin were then able to synthesize sufficient amounts of vitamin D to go into the sun.
Vitamin D deficiency is a relatively new phenomenon. Scientists first introduced it to u.k and other northern European countries in the seventeenth century.
Interestingly, this coincided with the industrial revolution when people came to large industrial cities and lived in narrow and dark multistoried buildings.
Pollution from coal-fired factories created a thick layer of smog. These factors significantly reduced the number of sun rays reaching the Earth in these areas, which were already long-term marginal sunshine.
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During winter period
People like to stay indoors more during the winter period, due to this, due to the sun's rays, less sunlight causes more vitamin D deficiency.
These factors significantly reduced the number of sun rays reaching the Earth in these areas, which were already long-term marginal sunny winter periods.
Staying indoors
The main reason for facing the epidemic of vitamin D deficiency is our modern lifestyle, which is the least to be exposed to the sun.
Our technological revolution has dramatically changed the lifestyle around the world. People like to work indoors.
They go from their home to the office in the morning and return home in the evening (especially in wintertime). Even go to the restaurant for lunch or stay inside to eat.
People spend their lunch in their office. At the weekend, we watch TV or surf the internet. Teenagers usually go outside to play real games mostly inside the house with smartphones or electronic gadgets.
While shopping, people are mostly indoors for grocery stores and shopping malls. Many elders live in assisted living facilities or nursing homes and do not receive any sun.
Just observe yourself. How often do nursing homes and none get sun exposure? Just observe yourself. How often do you, your family, and friends stay indoors while carrying out daily life activities?
Using Sunscreen
In the last 50 years, sun protection has been successfully inserted into the minds of the general public. People are just the so-called ill-effect of the sun, including skin cancer, wrinkles, and aging spots.
Because of this people use different types of sunscreen and sun lotion. Even when we go out for a while, we still use the screen.
Parents essentially apply sunscreen before allowing their children to go outside. Many people do not feel that sunscreen also inhibits the synthesis of vitamin D in the skin.
Vitamin D is fat-soluble. Therefore, vitamin D accumulates in the fat of your body. In fat individuals, there is excessive storage of vitamin D in fat.
As a result, the circulating level of vitamin D is low in these individuals. Obesity is an epidemic in the United States and the rest of the world is catching up in this regard.
The obesity epidemic is contributing to the vitamin D deficiency epidemic. It is interesting to note that in most cases, obesity is a product of our modern lifestyle.
Medical illness
Because vitamin D is fat-soluble, vitamin D deficiency may develop Medical conditions that cause fat distortion, such as surgical resection of the small intestine and stomach, chronic pancreatitis, pancreatic surgery, celiac sprue, Crohn colitis, and cystic fibrosis.
Liver and kidney diseases:
Vitamin D is taken from the blood by the liver, where it is converted to 25 (OH), which in the kidney increases vitamin D to 1,25 (OH) 2 vitamin D.
Therefore, vitamin D deficiency develops in chronic liver diseases such as cirrhosis and chronic kidney disease.
An older person has much less 7-dehydrocholesterol in the skin than a younger person. Therefore, an elderly person's skin typically makes up about 25% of vitamin D3 compared to a younger person's skin.
Vitamin d deficiency symptoms and sign
Whether you believe it or not, we are going through an epidemic of vitamin D. Deficiency 25 years ago when the doctors examined the patients, a surprising result was found that the majority of the patients found vitamin D deficiency in patients.
For example, the USA A investigation by the National Institutes of Health analyzed data on vitamin D status in the US adult population from 2000–2004, which showed that 50–78% of Americans were deficient in vitamin D.
Worryingly, the situation is getting worse. In an investigation from the University of Colorado, US, researchers found that vitamin D levels in Americans were lower during the 2000–2004 period than in the 1988–1994 period. Vitamin D deficiency is rapidly worsening.
Not only Americans, but people around the world are suffering from vitamin D deficiency, according to a publication by The Medical Research Council Human Nutrition Research, United Kingdom. , Vitamin D was found to be low in 90% of adults in the United Kingdom.
In an investigation from the Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences, India, specialists inferred that 82% of people in India had changing levels of low nutrient D levels.
1. Chronic Fatigue
Another type of vitamin D has a close association with hormones known as parathyroid hormone. The parathyroid hormone is made up of the thyroid gland, four small structures that lie low in the neck behind the thyroid gland.
Under normal circumstances, PTH is important in maintaining a normal level of calcium in the blood, which is important for the normal functioning of every cell in the body, especially muscle cells and heart cells.
Pth Action on kidneys, intestines, and bones By doing this, the calcium level in the blood keeps it normal.
By following up on the kidneys, it forestalls unnecessary loss of calcium in the urine. It also helps the kidney convert 25 (OH) vitamin D into 1,25 (OH) 2 vitamin D, which then acts on the intestines and helps in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the bloodstream.
By acting on bones, PTH dissolves their calcium and brings that calcium into the bloodstream.
Due to vitamin D deficiencies in people, the parathyroid gland starts producing PTH more than the normal amount.
A lot of PTH at that point causes unnecessary dissolving of calcium from the bones. As a result, people are prone to weak bones and thus have to suffer from weak bones and pain in the bones and generalized aches and pains, you also feel fatigued.
2. Osteoporosis
It is common in medical history that the major cause of osteoporosis is vitamin D deficiency. Several studies have shown that vitamin D deficiency is often found in people with osteoporosis.
In one such study, researchers looked at bone mineral density BMD), calcium intake, and vitamin D levels in 5003 men and 956 women in the United States.
They found that there is a direct
correlation between vitamin D and bone mineral density. When the vitamin D
level is low, bone mineral density was also found to be low and bone mineral
density was also found to be high due to high vitamin D levels.
In this study, researchers also proved that consuming more than 600 milligrams of calcium per day does not increase the bone mineral density of people.
This contradicts your mind to take at least 1500 milligrams of calcium per day to keep your bones healthy.
When your body has good vitamin D levels,
you should have about 600 milligrams of calcium per day.
3. Weaken Our Immune System
In general, we are equipped with our immune systems to fight infection. Then but we often suffer from infections and we often need anti-biotic and anti-viral drugs. What is wrong with our immune system?
Modern research has proved that vitamin D plays an important role in the normal functioning of the immune system.
Vitamin D in the form of a virus or a bacterium helps vitamin D immune
cells to produce some antimicrobial chemicals in response to an invading
pathogen, specifically, a chemical called cathelicidin antimicrobial peptide
(CAMP). Works as an antibiotic, but without side effects.
Vitamin D plays a major role in boosting your immune system which helps in fighting common viruses like colds.
Several studies have shown that individuals deficient in vitamin D are at increased risk for the common cold.
An excellent study from Massachusetts
General Hospital in Boston, USA, found a clear correlation between vitamin D
deficiency and the common cold.
4. Cancer
Skin practitioners say one thing in common that sun exposure to sunlight can cause skin cancer, so we recommend using sunscreen.
But what dermatologists say is that the vitamin D we get from the sun can also prevent serious cancers like breast, colon, pancreatic, and prostate cancer.
It has been clear that vitamin D deficiency and cancer show a strong link to growing scientific evidence. It would not be strange that we can prevent cancer by optimizing the vitamin D level in our bodies.
In patients diagnosed with cancer, proper vitamin D
supplementation plays an important role in the treatment of cancer and
preventing its recurrence.
In the last two decades, some
research has shown that cancer is caused exclusively by two factors: 1. Vitamin
D deficiency, 2. Insulin resistance syndrome.
5. Heart disease
When it comes to heart diseases, everyone thinks that it is only due to cholesterol, but very few people know that lack of vitamin D can also cause heart disease. Is there any scientific evidence for this? Let's know
In a study published in the prestigious British Medical Journal, Lancet in 1989, a researcher noted an association between latitude and heart disease seeds.
The farther away you are from the
equator, the lower you are in vitamin D and the greater your risk of heart
In a study conducted in Circulation (the official journal of the American Heart Association), in January 2008, researchers from the Framingham Heart Study in Framingham, USA, followed 1739 participants for the development of heart disease.
The average follow-up was
5.4 years. These researchers found a nearly 2-fold increase in heart disease
risk in individuals who had low vitamin D levels.
6. Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes has become an epidemic in the entire world including the United States. Diabetes is common is known as Type 1 and Type 2.
Which is about 5% of people with type 1 diabetes and 95% of people with type 2 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is commonly seen in children and young people and is rarely found in the elderly.
Increasing scientific evidence suggests that vitamin D enhances our immune system, which we discussed above.
Our immune system
pancreas starts attacking and killing their insulin-producing cells, reacting
to that virus. Destroying what must be destroyed. When you can't deliver
insulin, you create type 1 diabetes.
Researchers have investigated vitamin D levels in patients with type 1 diabetes and found it to be low in the vast majority of these patients.
In 2009, a study was published in the Journal of Pediatrics. In this study, researchers at the Joseph Diabetes Center, Boston, USA noted that the majority of their type 1 diabetes patients were vitamin D deficient.
This study was done in children and adolescents. In my clinical
practice, I check vitamin D levels in all my type 1 diabetes patients, and they
are found to be low in almost all.
7. Fatty Liver
Fatty liver means fat deposits in your liver. Fatty the liver is also known as NonAlcoholic-Fatty-Liver-Disease (NAFLD).
Fatty liver patients often have vitamin D deficiencies. Most NAFLD patients are overweight and due to this, they are prone to vitamin D deficiency.
Because Vitamin D is fat-soluble,
it gets trapped in fat and is available in small amounts for the rest of the
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8. High blood pressure
High blood pressure, is medically known as hypertension. It has spread like a pandemic all over the world including The United States.
Traditionally, the main causes of high blood pressure are ethnicity, old age, obesity, physical inactivity, and stress. Let's know, does vitamin D deficiency play a role in the development of hypertension?
In a study, scientists found
that blood pressure was highly related to distance from the equator. In other
words, the farther you were from the equator, the higher the vitamin D obtained
from the sun and thus, the higher your blood pressure.
In another study, researchers investigated blood differences in individuals of African descent, who now live in different parts of the world.
They found that people living in the northern region had more people of the same ethnicity than people living close to the
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9. Hair loss
Let us turn to the evidence to highlight the importance of vitamin D and its receptor (VDR) in regulating the health of hair follicles.
According to a study by the University of Cairo, Egypt, investigators found that vitamin D and ferritin levels in women's hair loss are much less than with hair loss.
In other words, the hair of those who have low levels of vitamin D and ferritin in their body will fall as much.
They found that 25 ng (OH) vitamin D levels lower than 27 ng/ml (which is equivalent to 67.9 nm / L) were associated with excessive hair loss.
An interesting study from The University of California at San Francisco, US, found that the absence (and therefore vitamin D deficiency) of the vitamin D receptor causes alopecia (hair loss) in mice.
Hair loss developed 3 months after birth and gradually the hair loss stopped in these vitamin D deficient mice for about 8 months.
10. Depression
Does winter blue result in vitamin D deficiency. Is there a relationship between vitamins and mood disorders? The answer is yes.
A scientific study has shown that people who suffer from seasonal mood disorders and depression often have low vitamin D levels.
One study also found that older adults with low vitamin levels are not only prone to depression but may also have poor cognitive performance.
Therefore, do not blame memory loss only when you are older. This may be the result of low vitamin D. Historically, physicians have been unaware of the role of vitamin D in depression.
However recently some physicians have begun to look at the growing scientific evidence linking vitamin D deficiency to the cause of depression.
For example, a great study from the Cooper Clinic in Dallas looked at 12,594 patients and found an
association between low vitamin D levels and clinical depression, especially in
individuals who had experienced depression in the past.
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If you have any doubt, please let me know