Ayurvedic treatment for abdominal problem particularly constipation and gas


In this article, we are going to discuss how Ayurvedic treatment for abdominal problem particularly constipation and gas is very effective.

Ayurvedic medicines have been used for many diseases since ancient times. Ayurvedic medicines help in eliminating the disease from the root.


Similarly, Ayurveda has proved to be a panacea for diseases like constipation and gas. Let us know how it is possible.

Diseases like constipation and gas are common in the whole world, the main reason for this is that irregular diet, low fiber diet, oily food, spicy food. The accumulation of stool in the intestines and dryness of stool is also a cause of constipation.

Most constipation disease is found in older people because the digestive system can also decrease with increasing age, so they have to face diseases like gas and constipation.

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What is Constipation

The term used by many constipated patients refers to reduced bowel movements, hard stools, stomach discomfort, painful defecation and bloating, or the feeling of incomplete eradication.

This is an elementary gastrointestinal disorder that can be experienced by many people at some point in their lifetimes.

What is Constipation

Constipation is related to the order of the disease described in Ayurveda. Constipation is arthritic. the condition that indicates Vata qualities such as hardness and dryness.

This is due to adequate dietary fiber, adequate intake of water, lack of exercise, eating heavy meat, and other reasons.

Constipation can be caused by abnormalities and abnormalities, pain and flatulence, headaches and shortness of breath, and the release of infection from the colon. Therefore, it is best to prevent constipation while keeping the Vata in balance.

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 The main causes of Constipation

Constipation can occur due to deficiency of diet with poor fiber, poor fluid intake, or side effects of some medications.

Sometimes it can be due to mechanical obstruction or a severe problem like colon cancer. Old age people are apparently to suffer from constipation due to diet, medication, and/or changes in mobility and gut motility. The exact number of cases of constipation is unknown.

The main causes of Constipation

About 2% of the population suffers from recurrent and persistent constipation and is more common in women than men.

The most frequency of declared constipation is 24 to 37%. Among institutionalized elderly, up to 50% use self-reported constipation, and up to 74% use daily laxatives.

The main reason for constipation is when the intestine absorbs a lot of water from the stool, due to which dry and hard stool is formed.

It may also be caused by insufficient contraction of the intestinal walls to excrete feces and waste products. This is the real reason.

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Some other reason of Constipation

1. Medications (calcium channel blockers, diuretics, iron and calcium supplements, beta-blockers, anti-hypertensive drugs, aspirin, anti-psychotic drugs, anti-histamine, antacids, etc.

2. Insufficient fluid intake

3. Immobility and lack of exercise

4. 7 Gastro-International Disease 108

5. Ignore the urge to defecate

6. liquid intake and poor diet (low fiber diet, low intake, etc.)

Risk factor

1. Low-calorie intake

2. Less exercise / physical activity

3. Female gender

4. Old age 

Clinical feature

1. Feeling of imperfect evacuation

2. Malaise

3. Headache

4. Straining during the passage of stools

5. discomfort or bloating/Abdominal pain

6. Passage of hard stools


1. Excessive straining can have serious effects on the brain, chronic ischemic attack, cardiac ischemia, and circulatory system leading to syncope, and coronary artery disease.

2. Laxative abuse - A large number of human beings use laxatives (treating yourself) for constipation. This is not a better habit, mostly if this is used regular basis. Chronic use of laxatives can alter the normal functions of the intestinal tract.

3. Hernia

4. Spastic colitis

5. Rectal prolapse

6. Hemorrhoids

7. Bowel obstruction


Terms of reference for chronic functional constipation

a. Lack of loose stools and deficient criteria for irritable bowel syndrome

b.  The appearance of any 2 of the following symptoms, for at minimum twelve weeks in the previous year

1. Number of bowel activity two or less than two per week 

2. To feel the anorectal blockage with > 25% of bowel activity

3. physical evaluation maneuvers with > 25% of bowel activity

4. hard stools with > 25% of bowel activity

5. Sense of incomplete evacuation with > 25%

6. Straining with > 25% of bowel activity


1. Sigmoidoscopy

2. Complete haemogram

3. Ultra-sonography (whole abdomen)

4. Lower G.I. Endoscopy

5. Barium enema

6. Stool examination


1. Avoid unusual, heavy, unhealthy eating habits, excessive and spicy foods, baked goods

2. Consumption a healthy diet plan that fiber-rich diet, other vegetables, and green leafy and fiber-rich diet, emphasize fruits

3. Use of a glass of hot water in the morning (This helps with the gastro-colic reflex and leads to bowel movements)

4. Practice daily exercise

5. Consumption of enough fluids and water (minimum 2-3 lt. per day)

6. Consumption of lukewarm water, green leafy vegetables, pippal¢ (long pepper), Sunthi  (dry ginger), Haritaki  (Terminalia Chebula Retz.), fiber-rich diet, Hingu (asafoetida), Draks (grapes), Amalaki (Phyllanthus Emblica Gartn), seasonal fruit, old rice, Rasona (garlic), Mudga (i -gram greens) and Godhuma (wheat)

7. Avoid suppressing natural desires, excessive tea, coffee, smoking

8. Don’t treat yourself

Ayurvedic treatment for abdominal problem particularly constipation and gas 


Consumption of Triphala can cause constipation problems. It helps in excreting all the stools stored in the intestines.

The way to take it is that if you are constipated in excess, then you can take a tonic of Triphala by half a teaspoon at bedtime so that you can get relief from constipation.

Submerge its herbs in a glass of hot water for 5 to 10 min and then drink it. Some people have the problem of taking diuretic from the consumption of Triphala, they should keep Triphala in a cup of warm water at night and drink from it will keep you from constipation.

The best time to consume Triphala is from 4 am to 5 am. 

Snack Or Fruit

Snack Or Fruit
Different types of fruit can help remedy constipation. So between meals, eat fruit. Bananas, for example, are a mild laxative. Ripe yellow bananas, taken between meals, will help relieve constipation.

An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away

An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away
This saying is true that an apple a day keeps the doctor away because the apple helps a lot in keeping your intestines regular, besides it helps in clearing the tongue and teeth.

To combat constipation, you must chew one apple per meal.

Eat More Fibre

Constipation has many reasons dietary fiber deficiency is also one of the reasons. A high fiber diet helps in maintaining your bowels.

Eat More Fibre
Know that fresh vegetables and fruits have high fiber content, in addition to oatmeal or oat bran, like wheat bran also has high fiber content.

It helps to maintain your bowel when you are consuming it in the diet.

Milk  And Ghee—Mild  Very Effective

Taking 1 to 2 teaspoons of ghee in a glass of warm milk at bedtime is effective but it is a gentle way to get rid of constipation.

Milk  And Ghee—Mild  Very Effective
This is very good for the constitution of Vata and pitta, but it may be much higher than the types of Kapha that can be used regularly.


Castor oil could also be used, but only when constipation is more severe.

After dinner, you should make a cup of ginger tea (either by boiling fresh ginger in water or adding powdered ginger to a cup of hot water), then take two teaspoons of castor oil and mix with the tea, and drink.

If 2 teaspoons do not produce the desired result, try the procedure again the next night, increase the dose to 3 teaspoons, then go to 4 teaspoons if needed. Adjust your volume according to what works.


At night, boil 1 teaspoon of flax in a glass of water for at least 2-3 minutes. Then take the whole glass, including tea and seeds.

Some Other Ayurvedic Remedies

Ayurvedic Remedies for constipation
1. Nidana Parivarjana (to avoid aetiological substances) -You should avoid inadequate hydration, stress, stress, low fiber diets, abnormal eating habits, and an unbalanced diet

2. Samsodhana cikitsa (Bio-cleansing therapies)-It will be followed by Samana cikitsa (Palliative therapy) should be advised.

i. Eat Snehapana (internal ointment) with Sukumara ghrta 50 ml per gm saindhava lava¸ 3 to 7 days before panchakarma (bio cleansing procedure)

ii. Sarvanga sveda for a day

iii. Use of Aragvadha (Cassia fistula) -ten gram, Kutaki (Picrorhiza curroa) - five gram  and one teaspoon full of Eranda, Virecana (medical cleansing), and Draksa (Vitis vinifera) - ten-gram (Ricinus communis) taila or Eranda taila 10 to 20 ml and 1/2 of the glass of milk after dinner, Haritaki (Terminalia chebula) - ten gram, 

 iv. Vasti 

saindhava lavana 5 gm etc, Pippalyadi taila 120 ml, honey 120 ml, Anuvasana vasti with Pippalyadi taila/ Dasamula taila  50ml and Dasamula kvatha 240 ml with Niruha vasti ml, honey 120 ml, etc. alternatively for a week (Yoga vasti krama)

v. Phalavarti 

Virechana and Vasti will be determined by doctors according to the patient's condition to see if the treatment of Sodhana (bio-purification therapy) is effective or not.

Note- (All of the above formulations and dosages are common in practice but the dosage should be adjusted by physicians according to the patient's condition)

3. Drug therapy

Drug therapy
Drug treatment If lifestyle changes fail to relieve constipation, then only medical treatment usually containing laxatives carminatives and Pacana drugs should be started.

NOTE: In the above-mentioned medications any medication or combination may be prescribed by a physician. At the time of therapy may differ from patient to patient. The physician should determine the dosage (per dose) and duration of treatment based on clinical findings and the response to treatment.

4. Yogic Practices

The Yogasan is given below is very beneficial for your constipation but if you do not have a consultant to do it, then you will not get the benefit.

Yogic Practices
So go to your advisor to do yoga. Timespan should be decided by the Yoga consultant.

1. Kurmasana, Vakrasana, Katicakrasana, Sarvangasana, savasana, Pavanamuktasana, Mandukasana, Vajrasana, Merudanda sancalanasana etc.

2. Yogamudra, sankaaha praksa lana, Nadi sodhana

3. deep relaxation technique

Bottom line

In this article, we have found out the real reason for constipation and how it can be avoided, and how Ayurvedic treatment for abdominal problems particularly constipation and gas help.

Exercise is necessary along with a healthy diet, then you will be able to digest your food properly and avoid constipation.

Whatever information is found here, you can use it during your life, but before using it, please consult your doctor. 

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