8 Worst Breakfast Food And Its Healthy Alternatives For Nutrition



After a long time, I have again started providing you a new interesting article in front of you and this article is about your morning healthy breakfast which can save you many diseases along with keeping your health safe. So let's know about the eight worst breakfast food and their healthy alternatives. 

Now, I can't think of a better way to set yourself up for failure than starting a day off with the high sugar, high carb breakfast that is not only going to leave you with cravings throughout the day but also leave you with energy crashes.

Worst breakfast food and its healthy alternatives
That's why in this blog, we're going to talk about the 8 worst breakfast foods and healthy alternatives for nutrition and weight loss. So many people are starting their day off like this and they have no idea how big a side effect it has on them.

The way that they feel, their cognitive function, everything. So, that's why we're going to give you a lot of exciting breakfast ideas in this blog so stick around to the end.

List of breakfast food

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Now let's go ahead and start with one of our first worst breakfast foods and this is one that you're going to find in pretty much most fast-food restaurants, most coffee places everywhere you go, and that's bagels and toast.

We start a day off with bagel and toast. This is a great way to set us up for failure because you don't want what the research shows us is that when you start your day off with things like a bagel, a huge carb load, essentially it leaves you with cravings all day.

And I'll get to more of what it does to your body and your mental capacity your energy levels in just a moment. 

So, when we look at bagels and toast and rich flour - this is flour where they took like bleached white flour and then they enriched it because after they stripped the nutrients out they tried to put some back in and a bunch of studies shows that it doesn't work.

Even though you put all this enriched, these vitamins within this flour, it doesn't make you any healthier. 

When they compare people who got sick versus didn't get sick when they use enriched flour versus not using enriched flour, it didn't seem to make any difference using the enriched flour.

Begels And Toast
So next here is we're going to find is high in carbohydrates, high calorie. So, this is a high-calorie breakfast you're trying to lose weight but yet you're stopping buying grabbing a coffee and a bagel not going to work out too well.

Then of course nutritionally deficient. I mean how many nutrients are you getting in a bleached white flour bagel? The answer is not very many. So, what we want to do is we want to start our day off with a highly nutritious meal.

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Let's talk about an alternative now an alternative, the better choice is going to be a smoothie. Now, think of this. You start your day off with some berries, lots of green leafy vegetables.

As a result, you're getting lots of phytonutrients, a lot of micronutrients, lots of antioxidants. And once again nutrient-dense it's going to give you energy for hours to come.

Healthy Alternatives Smoothie
So, if you're going to start your day off with breakfast make sure you're doing it healthily. A nice green smoothie is a tremendous way to go.


Now let's talk about cereal. When we look at cereal, I mean this is something many people start their day off with.

You go to the grocery store and there are just aisles line with hundreds of different types of cereal on these beautiful bright-color boxes and they say things like heart-healthy and fiber-enriched and all this stuff. I mean this is just all a big marketing ploy. But at the end of the day, the cereal is terrible for you.

Most of the cereal is high in sugar, it's highly processed, it's artificially fortified like I just talk about with the bagel you know there's just basically putting some nutrients in it because there was nothing there to start with, and then, of course, lots of artificial ingredients.

I mean when you look at the cereal label how many of those ingredients can you not pronounce or can you not even understand.

So, lots of artificial ingredients, dyes, you name it. And then when you eat this high sugar meal, what it's going to do is activate the parasympathetic.

This is a part of your nervous system that just kind of shuts your body down in a way so that you can rest in the digest. And so when you take these high sugar meals first thing in the morning, what does it do?

You have your meal and all of a sudden you're tired you're crashing you're going through energy withdraws and then of course what you do is you pour on some coffee to kind of just boost things back up a little bit.


But if we have a good healthy breakfast or make a better choice and have no breakfast at all and do intermittent fasting this is a tremendous way to start your morning.

Now, when we look at intermittent fasting, because you're not having that breakfast you're not having anything at all essentially you're able to have energy throughout the entire morning.

Like I said that big breakfast, even if it's a good healthy breakfast if you have a really big breakfast it will activate your parasympathetic.

Intermittent Fasting
So, we want to make sure that when we're looking to boost our energy levels, we go and do something like intermittent fasting because that way we skip breakfast and we just have energy all morning and it's that simple.

Fast for 16 hours, basically skip breakfast go right into lunch in that way you have energy all morning. Try intermittent fasting instead of breakfast if this is something you've never done before it's very easy to do. It has a huge amount of health benefits.

Also Read: What Is An Intermittent Fasting(IF) And The Benefits

Also Read: 20 Amazing Benefits Of OMAD

Also Read: OMAD Diet Plan


Now let's go and talk about waffles and pancakes. Another big stable breakfast food that so many people have daily. What are we going to achieve in these waffles and pancakes?

By the way, this is very reminiscent of my childhood. We used to eat all these types of foods every single morning for breakfast and now it's like when I look at my kids, I go no they can't go to school with this kind of food like this is terrible.

So back then people didn't know any better. The fact is a lot of people still don't know any better today and that's why you know this article none of it is here to judge you but give you good, thought-provoking ideas as to how you can enhance your health.

Now waffles and pancakes - bleached white flour topped with corn syrup. Because the thing is, is that when we look at a lot of these maple syrups out there they're not maple syrup at all it's just corn syrup that has a maple flavor.

So, you put some corn syrup on there which is even worse for you than the maple syrup, high glycemic, and link to diabetes.

Now the other thing is that of course maple syrup is not a great way to start your day off either. But on the same hand, it's going to be better than corn syrup.


Let's go ahead talk about some better options here. The better choice – chaffless. Now if you haven't heard of chaffless, this is this huge buzz within the keto community and essentially what you do is you take some eggs and you scramble them up into a bowl and you put some cheese in as well.

Now a lot of people are getting fancy with some bacon and sausage some of that kind of stuff as well. And then you put it into a waffle iron and cook it.

Then after that, you go ahead need it and they're more delicious. And matter of fact I like to make these and then put sauce on top of it and it's good.

If you follow a monthly meal plan you'll see that we're including these into your good monthly meal plan. The other option here is almond flour waffles and pancakes.

Now, when we look at waffles and pancakes, we can make a better option there. Right now a better choice might be something like chaffless but we also can make some better choices in the way of just using better ingredients.

We can make almond flour pancakes, we can make homemade flour waffles, we can use coconut flour. We can use better flours instead of, of course, enriched or bleached white flour.


Let's talk about the next topic and that's muffins. Now a lot of people once again start their day off with muffins.

Go to these coffee shops fast food places where you can grab breakfast muffins are right on the top of the list - high in sugar, contain these highly inflammatory hydrogenated oils which are not good for you, lots of refined flour.

And then, of course, most of the breakfast muffins are going to have other things in them like many things that are perceived to be healthy maybe like some dry fruit.

Also, they're going to have things like chocolate chips in them, and then in many cases, they're going to be top with sugar.

When I was looking at different images for breakfast muffins and muffins, most of them had sugar sprinkled on top, had they had powdered sugar sprinkled on top.

So very, a very staple when it comes to muffins here. I am mentioning with the hydrogenated oils and you put some sugar with that highly, highly inflammatory you don't need to be starting your day off with inflammatory breakfast foods that are causing hormone dysregulation, your brain not to work well. That is not a good way to start your day.


Let's talk about a better choice. A better choice would be something like cloud bread French toast. Now, if you're not familiar with cloud bread that's once again something very popular within the keto community.

It's taking some eggs making this specific type of bread, you cook that up, and then, of course, make some French toast with it, dip it in eggs with some cinnamon everything really, really good and so cloud bread French toast is a great option.

Once again something very popular in the keto community and a very good thought-provoking breakfast idea because of course you can take this and spin it off into many other things as well.


The next thing is donuts are also the worst breakfast food and oh my gosh growing up I mean doughnuts were a very staple thing that I saw people eat and still see people eat today.

In my opinion, is right next to a bakery and they make fresh doughnuts and of course, people are grabbing them every single morning. And when you look at a donut, I mean it's terrible.

You’re going to get bleached white flour, lots of corn syrup, lots of artificial everything. I mean there's not much in that that is beneficial in any way.

Extremely high in sugar. And when I say like you know there's not much - maybe they're using a fruit filling like a real fruit filling that has some different micronutrients in it that could be beneficial.

Extremely high in sugar and of course, leaves you hungry for more. Here's the thing. When we look at doughnuts or any of these high sugar foods, we already determine activates parasympathetic.

We also are going to determine where that is going to leave you hungry for more because what was found in the study is that if you eat a high carb breakfast, high sugar breakfast you consumed way more calories throughout the entire day.

Crazy but you start your day off with breakfast or your first meal of the day is how you will continue your day. And it just pushes those cravings. And then of course you eat more calories, gain more weight, and then you're more unhappy. 


better options and an omelet is a However great option. A good quality omelet. Put some avocado on it put some really good quality vegetables on it - a great way to start your day.

Now there's a lot of research out there that looks at the egg as a perfect food. It's got a well-balanced amino acid profile. Lots of good healthy fats in it, a low amount of carbohydrates, lots of good nutrients.

So starting your day off with an egg is powerful and the other logic that eggs are good in the morning is that there are research that shows if you eat eggs for breakfast that you eat fewer calories throughout the entire day because you're getting a good satiating balanced meal - only 77 calories per egg.

A really good way to start your breakfast. Once again I'm trying to give lots of thought-provoking ideas like as in most of the different blogs and things you find out there it's like breakfast food is just egg, and we want to have different ideas so that you don't get sick of eating the same thing all the time.


Now breakfast bars are another major thing that people get involved in because this is considered to be healthy. I know so many people eating breakfast bars as a way to just you know grab the worst breakfast food on the go and then you know make sure they're choosing the better option, but it's not so much the better option.

First of all, we look at these things they are loaded with sugar and usually not just one type of sugar, but multiple types of sugar, high in grains. Also, a lot of artificial ingredients.

Most of them are comparable to candy bars. When we look at sugar content versus sugar content.


the go - is going to be something like coffee or teas with collagen and MCT. This is how to Let's look at a better choice here. So, a better choice is going to be - if you're looking for something on I break my fast every single day. I do it with coffee and MCTs.

So if you're not a coffee person and you're using tea, you put that collagen in there, and then you're getting some great proteins that are good for your musculoskeletal health.

And then if you put that MCT in there, you're getting that great fat which has a lot of benefit for brain function energy physical performance the whole deal. So, this is a better option than going in eating a breakfast bar in the morning.


Now let's talk about the next thing and that's flavored yogurt. This is a trap that many people get caught up in. I mean I can remember growing up always having some sort of flavored yogurt and let me tell you it was really good but not necessarily good for you.

Now, many people are going to choose the non-fat option. So they get the yogurt. They're trying to be consciously healthy and they want to make sure that they're making better choices.

So they get the non-fat which is terrible because it's going to raise your blood sugar more, you're not going to get the benefits that those fats have to offer.

So, they grab the non-fat, they grab the sugar stuff the flavored stuff, and usually, the sugar content is super high in these, and then of course they're getting the low-quality dairy right.

We also want to make sure that we are getting a better option with all of this.


Let's talk about a better option. Choosing full-fat yogurt is going to be the first better choice. We went through the era where pretty much everybody was trying to stay away from fat.

Now we're back to an era where people are adding fats back in so we want to get full-fat yogurt because it's very beneficial for our brain and our entire body.

We want to put things like berries and if you want it sweet, just put some berries in it. It's that simple -maybe you can sprinkle some monk fruit or stevia on it something like that, but there's no reason to go get something that's loaded with sugar.

Put some berries in it. Lots of micronutrients, a lot of antioxidants here and then choose grass-fed whenever possible or organic.

We just want to make sure that we're staying away from these big factory farms and using more sustainably raised resources here.

So, utilize dairy from sustainably raised cows and sustainably treated cows as well. Grass-fed is a great way to go.


Let's talk about fruit juice. I know this isn't food but this is a big mistake people are making in the morning so I felt like I'd be doing an injustice to you if I didn't talk about it.

So, when we look at fruit juice, it has no fiber, is extremely high in sugar, small amounts of vitamins, linked to diabetes and obesity.

Now when we talk about fruit juice it's very similar to these terrible sugary drinks that people are drinking today. For example, Coca-Cola – a glass Coca-Cola 140 calories 10 grams of sugar.

Apple juice - 165 calories, 39 grams of sugar. Yes, it's coming from apples. Yes, it's a better source. But the thing is it's still a huge amount of sugar that you don't want to be starting your day off with.

It's no way to start your day and it's not good for kids either rotting their teeth out it's making their brains not function well, it's causing the crash, and it also is linked to problems like diabetes and obesity. We don't want that not only for our children but for individually.

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Now let's talk about a better alternative. In the morning it's best to just start your day off with water. You've been fasting all night because you've been in bed.

You haven't drunk anything in eight hours or so. You want to make sure that you're getting lots of water in the morning make sure you are rehydrating yourself properly.

It's incredibly important. If you want something sweet in the morning, go ahead and eat berries. This is going to be something that is going to be loaded with antioxidants, lots of micronutrients like we talked about through this entire video, and it is going to be a better option.

If we're hydrated properly throughout the entire day, we tend to eat fewer calories and we're going to feel so much better.

We're going to have a However great better cognitive function, more energy, we're going to just see our weight fall off if we're making better breakfast choices - the whole deal.


In this article, we learned how harmful the worst breakfast food is to our bodies. So we should avoid this type of worst breakfast food and choose the right alternatives which we mentioned above.

From this article, we came to know about the right and healthy breakfast food. So the importance of breakfast food is very much for us to keep our health healthy.

So we should choose the right option. You can follow our website to read this type of interesting article.

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